Training & Placement

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Industry Visit

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About Innovation Council

For better placement of the students, Innovation Council (IC) has been established to provide close links with the industries. The purpose of the cell is to find out the gap between need of the industry and end product of the institute. The cell is the bridge between the industry, the real world and the institute.

Following activities are carried out under IC.

Industrial Visit/Study Tour: Term wise study tours to industries are arranged. Such visits give overview of Industrial organizations, their functioning. It also provides an opportunity to interact with the people in the field.

Industrial Training: Industrial Training is one of the essential components of the course curriculum of all the programs offered. The Cell remains in contact with industries & organize such training schedules. The training is imparted for 04 weeks and monitored by the institute and the industry both.

Student Projects: Students are encouraged to take field projects during the industrial training. The cell also keeps in identifying the industry based projects for the students.

Training for the faculty: Faculty of all the programmes are encouraged to take industrial training for 2 to 4 weeks in each academic year to acquaint them the technical aspects which can further be beneficial to the students. Institute is taking extraordinary care for development of Faculty, Staff and Students.

Expert Lectures: IC Cell organizes expert lecture series at the department level. The cell help to arrange expert lectures on various aspects useful for the community of students.

Preparation for GRE, TOFEL, and GMET: T & P Cell is in a process to provide basic information on GRE, TOFEL, and GMET for the third year students of all discipline.

Innovation Council was formerly known as UDISHA CLUB.

UDISHA Club: First meeting of the UDISHA Club was held on at 2:00 pm on 29th April, 2011, at Seminar Hall. Twenty members of the club (faculties as well as students) attended the meeting. Members were briefed about the objectives and activities of the Club by Institutional Coordinator, Training and Placement Officer. The presentation "Innovation Sankuls" was circulated to the members and discussed. It has also been planned to boost activities of "Shodh Yatra" through training and placement cell of the Institution.
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